
The Latest News & Speeches

Overseas Chinese Association of South Australia

29 March, 2017

The Hon. J.S. LEE ( 17:42 ): I move:
That this council—

  1. Congratulates the Overseas Chinese Association of South Australia Inc. for celebrating its 35th anniversary in 2016;
  2. Acknowledges the work and commitment of the past and present committee, staff and volunteers of Overseas Chinese Association for delivering educational programs and important services to its members and the broader multicultural community of South Australia; and
  3. Recognises the wonderful contribution of the Chinese community in South Australia and OCA’s achievements in promoting Chinese language and cultures to enrich South Australia as a multicultural state.

Hong Kong, Australian Business Association

01 March, 2017

The Hon. J.S. LEE ( 16:48 ): I move: That this council -

  1. Congratulates the Hong Kong - Australia Business Association-SA Chapter (HKABA-SA) on achieving 15 successful years of its business awards program; 
  2. Acknowledges the wonderful work of current and past committee members in the development of strong economic and cultural ties with Hong Kong/China; 
  3. Recognises the economic and social contributions made by HKABA-SA to South Australian business and the multicultural community; and 
  4. Highlights the entrepreneurship and success stories of past award recipients and shines the spotlight on South Australian companies and organisations that are successfully trading in Hong Kong and China.