
The Latest News & Speeches


16 November, 2022

Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. T.T. Ngo:

That this council—

  1. Condemns the deadly and disproportionate use of force against protesters in Iran, following the tragic death of 22-year-old Kurdish woman Jina (Mahsa) Amini;
  2. Expresses concern at the disproportionate attacks on ethnic minorities in Kurdistan and the Baloch regions of Iran;
  3. Supports the right of all people in Iran to protest peacefully and calls on Iranian authorities to exercise restraint and heed the call of protestors;
  4. Supports the inherent right of the people of Iran to call for democracy in Iran;
  5. Stands with women and girls in Iran in their struggle for equality and empowerment, and calls on Iranian authorities to cease its oppression of women and ethnic minorities; and
  6. Expresses its commitment to promoting gender equality and women’s human rights, empowerment and ending violence against women and girls worldwide.

The Hon. J.S. LEE (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (20:10): On behalf of the Liberal Party, I rise today to speak on this motion.

On this side of the chamber, I would also like to acknowledge my Liberal colleagues, the Hon. Nicola Centofanti, the Hon. Michelle Lensink and the Hon. Laura Curran. We will all show our solidarity and the strong support of the Liberal Party of South Australia for this motion.


16 November, 2022

The Hon. J.S. LEE (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (15:57): Today, I rise to speak about the extreme weather events that caused major blackouts and damage across South Australia over the last weekend.

My heart goes out to everyone, every family and every business that has been affected financially and emotionally by the horrible storms and power blackouts.

The SA State Emergency Service reported that over 2,000 requests for flood and storm emergencies were received over a 24-hour period, and they have responded to over 1,000 requests for assistance on the weekend.

I ask Honourable Members of Parliament to join me in placing our sincere gratitude on the public record, to thank and acknowledge the SA State Emergency Service, the South Australian Country Fire Service, the Metropolitan Fire Service, South Australian Power Networks crews and hundreds of amazing volunteers for their tremendous work.


16 November, 2022

The Hon. J.S. LEE (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (15:03): 

I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking a question of the Minister for Industrial Relations about industrial relations matters.

Leave granted.

The Hon. J.S. LEE: 

It was reported in The Australian that the Albanese Labor government had not consulted with business groups about its new industrial relations legislation before it went public with its multi-employer wage bargaining idea. The National Farmers' Federation isn't impressed with the wage bargaining bill and the proposed changes, and The Australian newspaper said that the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chief Executive Andrew McKellar and Business Council of Australia Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott also rejected the fresh concessions flagged by Labor.

Business groups fear that multi-employer bargaining will lead to strikes, wage rises unlinked to productivity and higher prices, which will feed into inflation. The matter is important—


15 November, 2022

The Hon. J.S. LEE (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (15:04): 

I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Acting Minister for Local Government a question regarding council amalgamations.

Leave granted.

The Hon. J.S. LEE: 

As we know, the Local Government Association of SA has come out against forced amalgamation, but on 6 September, when Premier Peter Malinauskas announced his intention to hold a plebiscite to investigate council mergers in the South-East, he said, 'In my numerous visits to the Limestone Coast, this issue was repeatedly raised,' as well as saying, 'Council mergers have long been a matter of debate in the South-East.'

On Sunday, it was revealed that the South-East voted with an overwhelming 70 per cent against the move, which is contrary to the Premier's statement. My questions to the acting local government minister are:

1. Who were the people that the Premier spoke to on his numerous visits to the Limestone Coast?

2. With over 70 per cent voting against the merger, will the Malinauskas government admit that they got it wrong?

3. Will the minister please explain to the South-East community why the Malinauskas government is not taking their views seriously?



03 November, 2022

The Hon. J.S. LEE (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (16:15): I move:

That this Council—

1. Recognises that AnglicareSA has been supporting South Australians in need for more than 150 years;

2. Acknowledges the contributions of more than 1,800 AnglicareSA staff and 400 volunteers who support more than 55,000 people each year; and

3. Notes the valuable role that AnglicareSA plays in South Australia through its social service programs including housing and homelessness, NDIS services, aged care, foster care, emergency assistance, financial counselling and literacy, Aboriginal services, new arrivals, children, youth and families.

Lions Australia

03 November, 2022

The Hon. J.S. LEE (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (16:05): I move:

 That this council—

 1. Congratulates Lions Australia for celebrating its 75th anniversary in September 2022;

 2. Recognises Lions Clubs throughout Australia, including those in South Australia, who are involved in establishing and managing a range of meaningful projects and foundations to support a wide variety of community needs; and

 3. Notes the significant contributions Lions Clubs make in funding vital medical research, improving health care, assisting adults and children with disabilities, responding to natural disasters and emergencies and improving the lives of others.


02 November, 2022

Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. R.B. Martin:

 That this council—

  1. Acknowledges that 2022 marks the 50thyear of the South Australian Film Corporation (SAFC);
  2. Recognises the significant social, cultural and economic contributions the SAFC has made to the State of South Australia; and
  3. Congratulates all those who have contributed to the fantastic array of films, television series and games that have been produced by the SAFC since 1972.

(Continued from 19 October 2022.)

The Hon. J.S. LEE (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (17:11): I am pleased to rise today on behalf of the Liberal Party to speak to the motion to acknowledge 50 years of achievements of the South Australian Film Corporation.


02 November, 2022

The Hon. J.S. LEE (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (15:52): It is a great privilege today to rise to speak about the Conservation and Hunting Alliance of South Australia, also known as CHASA.

It was an honour to be invited by CHASA to attend its 12th Wine and Wild Food Dinner held on Friday 28 October 2022.

I wish to place my special thanks and congratulate CHASA President Graham Stopp, Vice President Rob West, Secretary Vicki Fabris, Treasurer Con Pantelios, and the entire CHASA team and supporters for presenting an informative, intriguing and, above all, a delightful and sumptuous dinner.


01 November, 2022

The Hon. J.S. LEE (14:41): 

In question time on 18 October, in responding to a question regarding round 6 of the Building Better Regions Fund, and the application for funding for the Mount Gambier and District Saleyards project, the minister said:

What I have done is advocate on a number of occasions to a number of different ministers—and my office has been in contact with those ministerial officers on a number of occasions—to impress upon them the importance of this program and how important it is for our local region in the South-East.

My questions to the minister are:

1. In light of the decision by the federal government to scrap the Building Better Regions Fund and cut the $250 million allocated to round 6, will the minister now admit that she has been utterly ineffective as an advocate?

2. Will the minister also admit that she has failed the South-East community as a minister?