

30 November, 2022

The Hon. J.S. LEE (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:32): My question is directed to the parliamentary secretary about inaccurate information.

The PRESIDENT: You haven't sought leave; just ask the question.

The Hon. J.S. LEE: 

From the comment from the parliamentary secretary earlier, if this was the first time the parliamentary secretary was advised that she had misled the council, as per her statement, will she be seeking an explanation from the education minister as to why he did not draw to her attention that his chief executive had pointed out her error several weeks ago, or from her colleagues who sit on the Budget and Finance Committee as to why they did not do so either? The public need to know the answers.



The Hon. E.S. BOURKE (14:33): 

Thank you for your question. As I have said earlier today, and as I said yesterday, I have put on the record my apology. These matters have now been clarified with the minister's office. To be honest, I am really proud that we are going ahead with this program. It's a program that should be put in place to support our schools and our students and it's something I acknowledge was also a policy that was seen as important by the previous government. I am proud that as a government we have been able expand on that program. I think it's a fantastic initiative and one that we should be glad that is happening in our schools.